Report : AMA TEAM 25/07/20
Qiyana | :
“Question 1: when are you releasing main event?””
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“Our Main Event will surely generate much impact upon our users and our platform as a whole as we unveil our platform at its optimum performance to the general public .
A perfect timing for such events would be when we are very confident there are ZERO errors that can happen as this will affect user experience in a negative way .
In saying this , we cannot allow too much delay to occur as we can also lose momentum .
Lets get our CADEwheel functioning to optimum standards as we can definitely see Main event closing in very fast.”
Qiyana | :
“Thank you, Grandmaster, let’s move forward to our second question
Question 2: What is CadeShop? CadeSole? Arcadiums? These terms are mentioned as future topics in Vision medium articles but the last one was written back in April and left us hanging.”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“Starting off with the CadeShop , it is our Inhouse store where users will be able to buy Upgrades and in-game purchases for our Arcade games, CrypCade branded clothing , Special “Cade” boxes that have lucky mining multipiers amongst many other features that we will share in a medium very soon.
The concept of the CadeShop is to create an alternative revenue path that leads to the dividend pool for our users to enjoy more returns and increase user profits overall.
CadeSole: Is our Custom Console SDK that we are close to finishing .
This can be purchased as a standalone console with some of our CrypArcade games downloadable from our CadeShop
The same patent SDK will be used to run our arcade machines in our CrypCade Arcadiums”
Qiyana | :
“Question 3: We know you are currently working on 3 in house Arcade games. Does Crypcade have any current gaming partnerships that can be disclosed? Will any partner games be available at Arcade launch?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“We have many concepts over 20 game ideas being created ,tried , discarded in rage !
Only few survive to be the best games we can offer to our users ,
Currently our Arcade games are a mixture of High Graphic and Low-Res ,
some of the concepts we have are FPS , Anti-Grav Racing, 2d-Side scollers and a few other types to mention a few.
Our arcade games will be custom made by 3rd party developers, Licensed Arcade Emulators and Our in house CrypCade Studios , Currently all games on the CrypArcade are deisgned and built by CrypCade Studios using Unreal Engine ,Unity,Phaser, Custom tool-kit and our custom SDK.”
Qiyana |
“Question 4: Who is Major C. Cade?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“Spacebattle Veteran from the year 2077 , He traveled back in time to help us write awesome articles and ideas !!
He is also a main character in some of our game concepts.”
Qiyana | :
“We will be seeing a lot of Major C. Cade in the future.
Let’s go to the next question: Can you share with us any future marketing plans for Crypcade?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“Marketing for Crypcade is bound to the development module , the further we are in development the more marketing we can freely do.
Creating “hype” and “fomo” at our optimal performance peak is the most explosive form of marketing and user experience will be close to perfect.”
Qiyana |
“Question 6: Crypcade is said to have patent pending designs. Can you tell us anything about these patents and what they will allow that competitors can’t currently do?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”
“Our games and characters are custom made and patent to be used only on CrypCade games , Not to mention our games will be available for a cost for non users on many marketplaces this will generate another avenue of revenue from which trickle into the dividend pool leading to a larger dividend payout for our Users.”
Qiyana | :
“Question 7: I heard a rumor that you will be integrating live in person arcades with the crypcade platform. Is this accurate? How will that work?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster
“CrypCade Arcadiums operate like a normal Arcade operates but instead of receiving tickets for prizes our users can opt to receive CADE tokens (ratio will be adjusted ) , of course the player in the arcadiums can opt to give back the CADE token to receive a physical prize from the in store CADESHOP.”
Qiyana |
“Question 8: We understand multi-currencies will be implemented for the platform and that divs will be paid out all in TRX. Is that correct? When can we expect these multi-currencies?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“The Dividend pool will always remain a TRX payout platform, Accepting Multiple Currencies allows us to expand to a larger userbase and while keeping our pool only TRX it generates interest in the TRON network and its fantastic abilities.
We will look to onboard Multi Currencies , either right before the main event or just after.”
Qiyana |
“Question 9🤣: What are your thoughts of CryptoMiningKB?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“🤩We are very happy with our user base and community as a whole, also I am a avid sailing fan”
Qiyana | :
“I’m sure KB will be happy to hear that .
Question 10: Will arcade games be pay to play, play to earn, or player betting against other player?”
CRYPCADE GrandMaster:
“We will have a few sections on the CrypArcade section.
PVP is a player vs player environment game these will be free to play with options to multiplayer bet ,
Think of it as a Esports betting but you and another user are playing the game as well as betting on the outcome (house fee applies )
PVE similar to PVP but with AI bots and no crossbetting
Play to earn (Idle gaming) is the type of games that can passively earn you CADE while being AFK.
PAY to play will be HIGH graphic gaming designed for enjoyment rather than crossbetting (some open-world , FPS multi-players are included in this category)”
Next AMA scheduled 26th July 2020 9PM GMT
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