Report: AMA 31/07/2020

CrypCade Entertainment Systems.
4 min readAug 1, 2020



Question 1: Regarding arcade — will the game have its own ecosystem,just like its own market place for unique items, individual games, clan war? or atleast explain us what concept will you take in arcade.


I think we discussed some of the features in brief last week on the sections of the CrypArcde.

If you mean CrypArcade than its is an Eco System all by itself.
Cade will still be generated by simply playing the games themselves ,depending on the type of game .
There are many sections to the CrypArcade but all feed into a singular dividend pool.
There will be in game purchases and on site Cade store purchases too to upgrade your experience.
The concepts of the CrypArcade I will make a clear medium this weekend outlining in some depth how the concept works in terms on mining and revenue.


Question 2: How will Crypcade advertising work? Game Trailers, Banners on the website?


The Watch-Time Crypcade Ads will run on top of the loading screen of our games and during reload/respawns .
The revenue generated from this will feed into the pool ,
The 3rd party developers are required to run ads to monetise their products .

In terms of product marketing and placement on our website there will be some , mutual marketing agreement but if this is not in place then there will be fees to advertise on and all its Subsidiaries , including Arcadiums and Casinos.

Everything on CrypCade External or Internal will ALL feed into the dividend pool.


Question 3: What kind of Cade gear can I find at the CadeShop?


Currently on our inventory we have Hoodies, T-shirts , CrypCade 100 Limited CadeSoles ( our in house natively built console ), multiplier boxes and much more features and limited goodies.

In the financial area we are planning Fiat to Crypto gateway while also offering OTC Cryptocurrency limited to CADE holders only (Discounted on amount of CADE held) and Debit Cade Cards which receive your dividend directly to your account with every payout.


Question 4: Why is MaticNetwork crypcade’s choice for partnership?


I will go over briefly what Cade team has written in our latest Medium article.

Matic has allowed Dapps and projects that otherwise choose to base on another chain/network for performance gains will now get that same scalability on Ethereum.

Matic.Network solves the problems associated by building a decentralized platform using an adapted version of Plasma framework that provides a solution for faster and extremely low-cost transactions with finality on the main chain.

I think the question should be why Ethereum?

To answer this a simple research can show that the total transaction volume for Eth dApps amounted to $5.64 billion in Q1 2020, an increase of 652% compared to Q1 2020 ($743 million)

Far greater userbase and volume in ETH to ignore and if we want to grow as a Entertainment Eco-systems we must expand and embrace new adventures.


Question 5: Once restrictions from Covid19 are lifted, how soon will Crypcade be back to hosting Esports Tournaments?


We can never predict when these restrictions will be lifted , nor can we wait for them.
Best way to combat obstacles is to find a way around them.
I believe the online egaming and esports industry has bloomed greatly in the last 6 months.

We will start very soon our online sponsored/ hosting tournaments and stay on track as usual .

This coming week we are planning a gaming event with Matic and its community so stay tuned for this it will surely be exciting.


Question 6: when will cade be transferable. and what will be the other use cases of cade token?


That’s not up to us @crypcade.
This is completely up to our users choices depending on voting.

When our community decides when to release the cade token we will do so.
Community chooses when CADE is to be traded also.

We put most choices to our community as we believe feedback will only make us create a great user friendly platform and a happy crowd.


Question 7: Will there be a fiat on ramp to Crypcade in the future or will users be expected to know how to buy Tron, Eth or Matic?


We will introduce a fiat to crypto gateway in the coming weeks .
While most of our userbase currently understands cryptocurrency and where to purchase and how to transfer , we cannot assume the same when marketing to an external userbase.

Our marketing in this moment will focus on expanding our platform and making CrypCade known within the crypto community.

We will strive to build fast we expand faster.

Next AMA scheduled August, 1st, 9:00PM GMT

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CrypCade Entertainment Systems.
CrypCade Entertainment Systems.

Written by CrypCade Entertainment Systems.

Fullstack Open Entertainment Metaverse on Blockchain

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